Category archives: Friends of Betty

Friends, Updates and Summer Sales

Hello everyone, so sorry for the lack of updates recently.  We have of course been very busy bees.  Firstly, if you have been watching our various social media outlets, you will know that in early July we exhibited at the trade show The Lingerie Edit, at The Savoy Hotel, London.  We were showing off our lovely brand spanking new SS16 collection (again if you[...]

Here Comes The Bride

With April sneaking up on us like that the Bridal season is well upon us and our Betty Bridal collections are starting to fly off the shelves.  So to compliment your Betty Bridal items we thought we would suggest a few special pieces that will be the extra cherry on top of your Bridal cake. Ivory Silk Bettie Robe   With an item as special as our [...]

Stockist Spotlight - Sweet Pins, Australia

Well we certainly are popular in Australia right now, which is amazing seeing as you guys are all the way around the other side of the globe.  Our newest stockist spotlight is actually one of our first stockists from way back when we were a fledgling business.  Back in 2012 the amazing sweet pins contacted us and we started a business relationship that has l[...]

Getting to Know Nikki

Nikki Strange is of course the fabulous textiles and print designer behind the beautiful print on our newest item, we even named it after her, the Nikki Kimono!  Now I have known Nikki for yeeeeears (too many to say politely as it shows our age), but you guys are probably not that familiar with her as her style of print and textiles as it is slightly more [...]