Category archives: Friends of Betty

Welcome to our New Look Website

Good afternoon all!  And welcome to our brand new sparkly website.  You learnt all about our AW15 photographer Mat Keller last week, well you can also add Web Designer to his list of skills.  Mat along with our creative director, Betty, have been working for a month or two now in top secret on our new look website.  Doesn't it look fab! New to our website[...]

BTS - Mathew Keller Photography

I hope you have all been enjoying a little sneak peek into what goes on at a luxury loungewear photoshoot, wasn't the video of little Miss Frieda Rose sweet!  Today we are having a chat with the photographer behind our AW15 campaign to see how he approaches his work and what makes him tick.  Mat sat down to answer a few questions for us and a transcription o[...]

Behind The Scenes - Autumn/Winter 2015 Collection Photoshoot

Hello everybody!  Today we are sharing with you a little behind the scenes footage from our AW15 collection photoshoot.  Back in November last year we headed to Athelhampton House in Dorchester, UK, to shoot our fabulous new items on Miss Betsy Rose.  Betty took her camera along to capture some of the atmosphere and chaos behind the glossy images for our new[...]

Friends, Updates and Summer Sales

Hello everyone, so sorry for the lack of updates recently.  We have of course been very busy bees.  Firstly, if you have been watching our various social media outlets, you will know that in early July we exhibited at the trade show The Lingerie Edit, at The Savoy Hotel, London.  We were showing off our lovely brand spanking new SS16 collection (again if you[...]