Tags archives: christmas-2014

Party Season SOS - Guide to keeping Glam

With the Holiday season comes the dreaded 'Party Season'.  Why dreaded?  Well it can leave us all a little frazzled and frayed around the edges.  Well fear not dear people, we have put together a guide of must have items to get you through the Holiday's.  These items will soothe all your worries away and keep you looking and feeling amazing, so much so that [...]

Christmas Delivery Dates

    Just a little reminder dear lovely customers, that in order for Santa Clause to visit you on Christmas night with goodies from Betty Blue's Loungerie and Betty Bridal, he needs to have a little bit of warning!  We will be shutting up shop over the festive period to have a long awaited rest.  You will still be able to place orders,[...]

Lingerie Secret Santa

Hello everybody! It's been a while since we have updated you all. Well this is because we worked really really hard for our AW15 photo shoot which was last    week. It all went fabulously and I am assured by our photographer, Mat Keller, that we got some AWESOME shots. We even had a little 'extra' model, Freida  who is in this photo with our boss Betty. [...]