Tags archives: fw15

Christmas Postage Deadlines

Now we have the 'Christmas' word over and done with we need to talk about Christmas postage deadlines.  In order to get your Betty Blue's Loungerie well in time for Christmas please order as soon as possible.  However if the worse should happen and you have left things till the last minute, observe the below dates for postage cut off points.  Just make sure [...]

Black Friday and Cyber Monday

So apparently everyone everywhere goes crazy for Black Friday these days.  Being British I guess we don't really get it, but in the spirit of good will to all men (and women!) we thought we would celebrate in co-ordination with Cyber Monday- the busiest day for online shopping this side of Christmas. We don't believe in heavily discounting our products, b[...]

Autumn Style Edit - Chilly Evenings!

According to the news, a Russian swan has just landed in Britain.  This apparently means we are in for a loooooong harsh winter.  Well Mr weather forecaster, who are we to doubt those swans!  We have scoured the internet for you to bring you are favourite little fashion picks to help fend off the nip that is decidedly in the air right now; a few little luxur[...]

AW15 New Products Now In Stock

Good evening all.  We headed to our north London factory on Friday (with a slight detour via the Krispy Kreme drive through) to pick up our brand new AW15 Collections.  The gorgeous ladies pyjamas, named the Lennox Pyjamas, and the sultry satin nightwear set, named the Agatha Robe and Nightgown are now 100% in stock! Now we have it on good authority t[...]