Category archives: Beautiful BBL Products

Summer Style Edit

Summer is finally here and we are excitedly getting out our summer wardrobe staples.  Here we have created a MUST HAVE list of awesome accessories to perfectly match a couple of our best selling Betty Blue's items - added bonus one is in our sale ;). The first item - or rather items - is the Tiffany Tempest Set 1.  Bobbi Brown - Sheer Lip C[...]

Getting to Know Nikki

Nikki Strange is of course the fabulous textiles and print designer behind the beautiful print on our newest item, we even named it after her, the Nikki Kimono!  Now I have known Nikki for yeeeeears (too many to say politely as it shows our age), but you guys are probably not that familiar with her as her style of print and textiles as it is slightly mor[...]