Author archives: Betty Hobcraft

The Betty Blue's Brand Launch (Official)

So my online presence has been around for a couple of months now with lots of lovely people following me on twitter and keeping up to date with this blog as well as facebook, but to the general public I am still largely unknown.  So what better way to launch my retro/vintage style brand than at the Goodwood Revival event, that specialises not only in classi[...]

Press Release - Official Brand Launch

Hello all!  I have written a little press release about the forthcoming Goodwood Revival weekend, at which Betty Blue's is officially launching :).  So for the schedule of events of the weekend, and some info on the brand please see below. Please click to enlarge! Not going to Goodwood?  Well fear not.  Anything you like the look of you can email me (info@[...]

Behind the scenes

My lovely intern Lisa took her camera to the photoshoot and got a few snaps of what goes on behind the scenes.  I thought my blog readers would like a chance to see how we got to the fabulous pictures that Tigz Rice Studios produced for me :) This pic shows my brill make up artist Kelly, aka Miss Honey Bare of Heyday Honey Vintage Hair and makeup, putting th[...]

Ta Daaaaa

So finally the time has come for me to be able to show you the much anticipated Betty Blue's debut ranges!!  I have teased here and there as to what they look like over twitter and facebook, but I can now show you some of the products in all their glory on my fabulous models!!  There will be more photos to come when the website is launched, showing various [...]

An English Summer (well it's Autumn now really)

The weather wasso lovely this afternoon that I engaged in a spot of 'Englishness' and indulged in one of my old granny hobbies - jam making.  Last year when I graduated from Uni I found myself without a job and as a consequence very very broke.  It just so happened that I visited my uncle and he had a glut of apples on his fruit trees.  So I diligently colle[...]