Category archives: Uncategorized

Knit Club

"Knit Club - like Fight Club only cooler (obviously!)"A while ago I blogged about my love of knitting (Old Lady Hobbies) and I promised you that I would keep you all updated on my progress on certain items.  Well the day job took over and I didn't do much knitting or crocheting as I was as busy as a bee getting the Black Nell Robe out to all you lucky girls.[...]

Betty needs YOUR help!

Why not treat yourself in this rainy weather to this! Hello everybody.  I hope all is well with my readers, despite this rather rubbish "summer" weather us Brits are currently experiencing.  Well you expect it really with the Olympics com[...]

Design For Glamour

Hello everybody and welcome to any new readers who have found me through the Black Nell Robe!  Since the release of the pictures of the very beautiful model Morgana in my Black version of The Nell Robe, things have stepped up a gear here at Betty Blue's HQ.  Before I knew it I had completely sold out of Small's, have only 1 left in Medium and 2 in Large!  A[...]

Move Over Dita Von Teese - Betty's in Town!

Move over Dita Von Teese, there is a younger, paler but red headed girl on the scene!I kid of course, no one could replace the beautiful Dita, but I have long been told about my resemblance to the Queen of Tease.  I never really used to understand why, but obviously it was a huge compliment.  I could see that we both have pale skin, wear red lipstick and I s[...]

Portsmouth Vintage Fair

I am a little cautious of doing selling events such as Vintage Fairs.  My price point is quite high so there are not many people who impulse buy from Betty Blue's Loungerie.  People tend to have to think about their purchase and save up for a splurge, so often the cost of the hire of the stall far outweighs my sales.  Last weekend however I changed my mind a[...]