Category archives: Friends of Betty

Previously Chicago

You may remember that over Christmas myself and a few other awesome lingerie companies ran a Lingerie Secret Santa.  It was designed to make you think a little outside the box when gifting at Christmas and to encourage you all to buy from independent companies, not only because it is the ethical choice, but also as a way to get your loved ones a really indiv[...]

Our Valentine's Picks

Ahhh yes, just as we have all recovered from Christmas the Valentine’s Day marketing begins!  Well obviously we thought we would give some hints and tips on what we think would make a great Valentine’s Day present and which Betty Blue’s Loungerie items would be PERFECT for a romantic night in.  We have two looks for you based on whether you are flirty and fe[...]

Lingerie Secret Santa

Hello everybody! It's been a while since we have updated you all. Well this is because we worked really really hard for our AW15 photo shoot which was last    week. It all went fabulously and I am assured by our photographer, Mat Keller, that we got some AWESOME shots. We even had a little 'extra' model, Freida  who is in this photo with our boss Betty. [...]

In Retrospect

A sort and sweet post for you all today on something I thought you might all be interested in.  Our SS15 collection photographer, Mat Keller, is currently fundraising his new project via Kickstarter.  Here is a little bit about the new project: "In Retrospect is a lifestyle periodical featuring everything old, old fashioned or retro styled. We ar[...]